Helping & Teaching Kids How to Learn from Their Mistakes

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We all make mistakes. There was a moment when I felt like a total failure and everything I did, nothing good came out of it. It did not go well and I feel like piling rocks of errors into a wall.

As time passed, I realized that there is wisdom I can get out of the blunders I did before. There are indeed consequences I faced upon making these mistakes. But, as long as I tried to learn what I should have done instead of what I did, it will spare me from flaws later.

Kids make mistakes as well. Such vulnerability and curiosity will end up doing the wrong things. But, as we tend to endure and forgive our flaws, so do our children need our tolerance and understanding.

How to Help Our Children Learn from Their Mistakes and Own Up for Being Wrong

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It may not come easy to us parents when getting involved in the faults and slips children make. However, we must remember that they need us more when they find themselves trapped in an oversight. It is not for us to rescue them but to help them deal with these circumstances healthily and maturely.

Allow Sharing of Errors on the Table

One of the reasons why our toddlers, gradeschoolers and even teens fail to own up to their mistakes is the fear of being scolded and judged by us. We cannot deny that our emotions can get in our way of positively handling these situations with our kids.

But, if we encourage them to openly speak about their errors, and for us also not to be afraid to admit our faults, it will create a strong communication system founded on trust and security.

Let the Past Behind

Are they making the same errors again? It happens, and in fact, it goes with everyone. We are inclined to commit to the same mistakes due to a number of reasons.

But, bringing up past faults does not help us in moving forward. It will only cause us to stay behind and not embrace the knowledge it wants to impart to us.

In addition, piling up past mistakes will only focus on the negative actions of your children and not on their good ones thereby causing them to feel like a failure.

Help Them Face the Consequences

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At an early age, children must understand the consequences. Let them know that in every action, there is always an effect afterward. Whether it be good or bad, it all depends on what their action was in the first place.

Consequences are inevitable in life. We have repercussions as a reminder that we cannot get away with anything. If your kids value such knowledge, they will be able to own up to their errors and even try to avoid them in the future.

Watch Your Actions Too

How you respond to their mistakes creates a huge impact on how they will deal with the situation. For instance, do you easily get angry when they do something wrong? Are you always saving them from experiencing the consequences of their mistakes?

Negative reactions will only discourage your children from setting a positive perspective when dealing with mistakes. The same goes for saving them from facing the consequences. It will only make them more dependent on you.


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