Best Tips on What to Do and How to Safely Draw Out or Remove a Splinter

Photo credit by cookie_studio from Freepik

Getting a splinter is quite common among kids, especially if you have a curious and adventurous loved one. It is not enough to just see or watch things around them. They need to touch and play with various objects.

Splinters can be painful. Imagine having a sharp piece of object lodged or embedded into your skin. It will cause swelling and redness in the affected area. For splinters caused by natural objects, the body can help in dissolving the material. However, the risk lies when the splinter is caused by other materials.

Photo credit by Justin Young on Unsplash

While a lot of children get splinters, not knowing how to deal with them can lead to infections. Bacteria will start residing in the affected area.

How to Remove and Treat Splinters? Find Best Ways for an Effective Splinter Removal at Home!

To help you deal with splinters, here are the steps on how to get it off your child’s skin.

Step #1 – Clean the Affected Area

The first thing you have to do is wash the affected area with antibacterial soap. You may need to wash your hands to prevent the spreading of bacteria.

Photo credit by brgfx from Freepik

Step #2 – Check the Splinter

Look for the area where the splinter is and assess its size. Evaluate what kind of removal tool to use. There are different kinds of removal tools to use in getting the splinter out. You can use a tweezer, needle, or toenail clippers.

At the same time, wash your removal tool before using it. Make sure you use an antibacterial soap as well to kill the germs. Another way to sterilize your removal tool is rubbing alcohol. Using a clean cotton, wipe the tool clean with alcohol.

Step #3 – Carefully Remove the Splinter

Sometimes, the splinter is lodged deep into the skin. You may need to use a needle first to bring a part of it to the surface. Do not pinch or squeeze the skin to avoid breaking the object. Then, gradually grab and pull the visible end of the splinter until it is out.

Step #4 – Treat the Affected Area

After removing the splinter, wash the affected area with soap and water. Pat dry the skin and cover with a gauze or band-aid. You can also apply an antibacterial ointment first before covering the skin.

That’s it! Keep an eye always on the affected area for signs of infection, even if the splinter is out. Call a doctor or seek medical attention if you are unable to remove the splinter or if the wound has become too deep. You may also watch out for bleeding or swelling.


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